How to install the Boman Kemp Window Easy Buck™ – Wood Face Forms.

Once one side of Wood Form is installed, locate area for window.

With Buck screws facing out, attach one corner of Buck with a nail through hole provided to Wood Form, making sure the bottom of the Buck is no more than 40″ from the floor for egress.

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With one corner attached to the Wood Form, use that area to pivot the Easy Buck™ frame until it is level.

Pound first nail on top of Buck and check level again before setting second nail on top.

Once you are level, drive remaining nails, three on each side.

Upon attachment, make one final check for squareness by cross measuring the frame.

Next, nail inside.

Once the second Wood Form is in place, locate Buck and wall and nail through form outside of Wood Form, piercing the Buck with the nail.

The Boman Kemp Window Easy Buck™ is able to withstand normal installation functions, such as pouring, pumping and vibrating.