I’m excited to present to you an affordable, extremely efficient home called Liv-Space.
It’s extremely efficient because we’re gonna put a geothermal heating and air system in it to do that in the hot water, and it’s also very efficient because of our construction practice that I’ll lay out. Additionally I’m suggesting the American-made products, because if all of us would adopt American-made products our factories could get back to work in a real hurry.
What we’re gonna do is we’re gonna deliver the same amount of square footage, but in a different package.
Instead of building a two-story up, we’re gonna put the lower level in the ground into the Liv-Space level. This is not a basement level, this is the Liv-Space level. It’s not the basement of your Father or the seventies show.
This is accomplished through large windows, increased air circulation, nice high 9 foot walls that are waterproof, and big wide open stairways to allow movement and air flow.
You can see the benefits of what the large windows do to enhance the livability and the desirability of being down there. You can additionally see with large open stairways you can allow for easy transfer up and down, and also the air flow moves, which further enhances the concept of taking in the geothermal benefits of the earth.
We’re gonna water-proof these walls with a water-proofing system and we’re gonna have big nine-foot ceilings in there so it feels open.
In addition, we’ve designed an air system that takes and makes the air system ground zero.
We’re gonna design a house around the air system, and then put walls in, and we’re gonna put a geothermal system in there, we’re gonna run it through the subfloor as a manifold, and we’re going to use the geothermal system to have utility bills of 40 or $50 a month for life.
We’re going to do some construction practices that save a ton of money and make it economical, for instance we’re going to pour the slab first and then put the walls on it. Then we’re going to frame from the ground up, and do away with beams and columns, and we’re going to put them on small, affordable Lots to make them affordable for the masses, extremely energy-efficient for all.