The Boman Kemp Basement Window System provides Remodelers with a cost effective solution to meeting egress. The complete system includes everything needed for your project with one phone call. The ease of installation translates into an affordable solution for your customers and additional cost savings for you.
Boman Kemp Basement Window Systems are readily available from distributors throughout the country. With local municipalities adopting and beginning to enforce the current IRC egress codes, the Boman Kemp Basement Window System offers you, the remodeler, a simple and functional solution for egress.
To learn more about the Boman Kemp Basement Window Systems for your application, visit the links on the right, or click here.
Yes. Certain size systems are compliant with section 310 of the UBC, section 310 of CABO and section 310 of the current IRC code. Please see the Egress section for more details.
Within the area of remodeling there are many ways to retrofit a Boman Kemp Window System. In most cases it is recommended that you contact a local contractor who is qualified to do remodel work. Please visit the “How to” portion of the remodel section, for one option on installation.
There are several products that meet egress, however the 4040 system is recommended due to dealer availability. Please visit the System Builder for recommended sizing.
Yes. Boman Kemp offers a variety of standard sizes. Contact the nearest Distributor for additional information.
Our Basement Window is made to fit our Window Buck making it easier to order, ship and install an entire Boman Kemp Window System. You do not need to outsource any of the components required for your project!
It is recommended that you back fill the bottom of the area Window Well with 12-24 inches of a 1″ stone backfill. In areas of high water it is recommended to install a drain in the bottom of the area well that is tied into the perimeter footing drain.
Our Window Systems are available at distributors throughout the country and are available in your state. Contact the nearest Distributor for additional information.
Yes. You can use Boman Kemp Windows in above grade applications.
No. The Boman Kemp Window Bucks come pre-assembled from your local Dealer or Distributor and the Area Wells are ready to use from the factory. No assembly is required, making for quick and easy installation.
No. Due to residential codes, the Safety Grate must be operational without the use of a key or a tool.
Yes. The Basement Window has a standard locking mechanism that keeps the operable sash from sliding open.
The Escape Ladder is equipped with hooks that hang from the top of the Area Well. There are also pre-drilled screw holes provided for anchoring the Ladder to the Area Well.
No. The Plastic Window Well Cover is designed to be used only with the steel Safety Grate.

Benefits Of The Boman Kemp Basement Window System
Provides the ability to market up to twice the livable space at a fraction of the cost of conventional construction. Meets and exceeds basement egress requirements. Patented components exclusive to the Boman Kemp Basement Window System make installation a breeze. Available nationwide.